CBD for Wrinkles

woman with fair skin

Cannabis is gradually making its way into modern medicine with the recent introduction of the first CBD-based drug manufactured for the purpose of treating epilepsy, among other CBD products. Now there has come a time where skincare professionals passionately consider topical CBD products for the anti-aging properties they have.

CBD, otherwise known as Cannabidiol, is a natural component of cannabis. Unlike the tetrahydrocannabinol or THC in cannabis, CBD won't get users high, but has a variety of medicinal benefits. In fact, more users are using CBD to treat various kinds of ailments.

Causes of Wrinkles

Elastin and Collagen are mostly responsible for the skin’s elasticity. However, once a person reaches the age of 20, the body starts producing lower collagen every year as a natural biological process. The loss of elastin production gradually leads to a loss of firmness of the skin. Thus, it becomes increasingly delicate. A slow and gradual decrease in the quantity of natural oils being produced also causes reduction in the skin's moisture levels. Both factors jointly reduce elastin levels, thereby decreasing the skin's capacity to quickly heal.

How Can CBD Help Treat Wrinkles?

CBD has the capacity to effectively interact with the body's endocannabinoid system. It binds to receptors in the body, thus carrying out some processes that end up having some positive results. It functions by fighting the intrinsic and extrinsic signs of aging. A lot of people love to take CBD in tincture form (orally), while others prefer to infuse it with other forms of topical treatments.

CBD oil can help cure wrinkles in ways discussed below:

  • Antioxidant qualities: CBD derived from the hemp plant contains even more effective antioxidant properties than what is available in vitamins C and E. These antioxidants are helpful in reducing free radicals known to ravage the whole body while also fighting collagen fibers effectively. CBD can also help fight harmful free radical byproducts derived through the body's natural processes, such as toxins, not only free radicals from external sources.
  • Anti-inflammatory properties: CBD contains some anti-inflammatory properties that can help treat inflammation of the skin, and relax your skin, leaving existing defects, such as wrinkles less obvious. The anti-inflammatory qualities also make topical CBD treatments very effective for psoriasis and eczema.
  • Promoting the production of sebum: One of the vital ways to deal with wrinkles is by regulating oil or sebum production on the face. Both hemp oil and CBD help regulate the sebaceous glands as a way of maintaining the proper sebum production level. High level production of sebum results in less sensitive, smoother, and a lot more flexible skin.
  • Soothe sensitive skin: The use of CBD oil also has significant benefits in normalizing, smoothing, and calming the skin, and can help minimize sensitivity issues of the skin, including redness and reactivity. These qualities can help the skin cope effectively with the negative effect of exposure to environment related stressors.

The Best CBD Methods To Fight Wrinkles

In recent times. CBD related products are gaining more coverage from the media and the general public. And while some consumers can get a wide range of CBD products, not all types may be available to the general public.

Marijuana-derived CBD may not easily be accessible, most especially in states that prohibit recreational use of cannabis. Colorado and California have allowed the use of CBD for recreational purposes. However, people can access products with a THC content of lower than 0.3 %.

Below are some methods and CBD products for eliminating wrinkles.

  • Topical products: This can be anything from oils to soaps and lotions. Most of them require direct application to the skin. Some creams contain a higher quantity of CBD, and can therefore offer more noticeable results. Keep in mind that you are targeting the parts where wrinkles are more noticeable on your skin.
  • Tincture/oral products: CBD may also be available in the form of a tincture (edible). Such products are put under the tongue for easy absorption into the human bloodstream. Tinctures usually contain a powerful dose of CBD, which is much faster for the body to absorb.
  • Products made of hemp: Although there might not be enough evidence, some research studies believe that consumption of products made of hemp, such as seeds, hemp oil, and other hemp related products can have a good effect on the skin’s appearance. While hemp-based products might not be so high in CBD, they are something worth thinking about.

It is vital that you check state regulations guidelines before purchasing any CBD product. Be sure such products comply with standards set by federal regulations, and don't contain THC more than 0.3%, which is considered the acceptable limit. Also, do thorough research on the process of application, vendor and product quality, before committing to any particular product.

What about the CBD Pillow for Wrinkles?

CBD is believed to have anti-inflammatory properties, and may be beneficial for skin health. Further, a 2017 study showcases the antioxidative effects of CBD, and discusses that oxidative stress contributes to the aging process. Therefore, the combined anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of CBD may assist in preventing the appearance of aging skin.