What is CBD (Cannabidiol)?

If you feel as though you've been seeing CBD (cannabidiol) products all over the place, you'd be right. Because of the 2018 passing of the U.S. Farm Bill legalizing industrial hemp, as well as the state-level legalization of recreational and medical cannabis, CBD products have become more popular and available over the last year.
Depending on where you're located, you can find CBD products at your local gas stations, CVS, and even pet stores. And, there are no signs of the industry slowing down. While there's still a great deal to learn about CBD, advocates report it has some fairly impressive benefits.
What is CBD?
CBD, or cannabidiol, is a cannabinoid or compound found in marijuana (cannabis). It doesn't produce a high like THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), the perhaps more well-known cannabinoid, does.
See, THC and CBD are the cannabis plant's two major players. But, with CBD, you don't experience the psychoactive or euphoric effect.
How is CBD is Different From THC?
Both CBD and THC act on your body's system of receptors referred to as cannabinoid receptors. Throughout your body, you have cannabinoid receptors, and researchers have so far identified two main types. These are CB1 which you find mostly in your central nervous system, including parts of your spinal cord and brain, and CBS, which you find mostly in your immune system tissues. Also, both these receptors are also in your skin.
Researchers also found while THC binds to and activates both receptor types, CBD seems to regulate or even block the CB1 and CB2 receptor effects. So, any of CBD's effects on your CB receptors could actually be more related to it counteracting or regulating some of THC's actions in your brain.
What Does CBD Treat?
According to anecdotal evidence, CBD helps to treat illness and discomfort of many types. For instance, those suffering from everything from aches and anxiety to cancer and epilepsy claim benefits from CBD.
There are around 150 trials currently in progress, according to the federal database of worldwide accredited clinical trials, ClinicalTrials.gov, testing CBD as a potential treatment for a large range of health issues like:
- Anxiety
- Insomnia
- Skin conditions
But, the strongest evidence of the effectiveness of CBD is in relation to epilepsy. The FDA approved the medication Epidiolex, used for treating Dravet syndromes and Lennox-Gastaut. These are two severe and rare epilepsy forms. It was the FDA's first approval of a marijuana-derived drug.
Individuals report using CBD to manage chronic pain, closely followed by managing joint pain or arthritis. But, does CBD really work? After evaluating decades of research on cannabis, the National Academics of Sciences, Medicine and Engineering concluded adults treated with cannabinoids or cannabis for chronic pain are more likely to experience a clinically substantially reduction in pain symptoms.
Some research has shown CBD could decrease self-deprecating thoughts and anxiety, and other evidence shows it has antipsychotic effects in individuals with schizophrenia.
In vitro research suggests CBD could help decrease inflammation in those whose human cell lines are affected by rheumatoid arthritis.
What is the Safety of CBD?
There are some potential side effects with CBD, including:
- Fatigue
- Nausea
- Irritability
CBD could increase the level of the blood thinner Coumadin in your blood, and increase levels of specific medicines in your blood in the same manner grapefruit juice does. One concern with CBD is that it's mainly marketed and sold as a natural supplement, not a medicine. And, presently, the FDA doesn't regulate the purity and safety of dietary supplements.
How is CBD Used?
CBD comes in various forms. Below is a list of some common methods of delivery, but the way it's used will depend on your personal preferences and needs. CBD's delivery method impacts how fast it works and the types of effects it will have on your body.
Delivery methods include:
- Oils and tinctures: These are concentrated and processed forms of CBD you place under your tongue using a dropper. It's absorbed into your bloodstream.
- Edibles: These are a large range of products you drink or eat, like chocolates, gummies, and smoothies. It can take a while for the effects to kick in after consuming edibles.
- Capsules and pills: You ingest these orally. They look like vitamins or medicine you'd find in a drugstore, and often contain CBD isolate or CBD oil.
- Vaping: Similar to e-cigarettes, you inhale a CBD oil vaporized liquid.
- Topicals: These are CBD-infused lotions, creams, and oils you use directly on your skin, nails or hair. Topicals are often used for treating localized pain, but you can also use them as skincare, massage oil, or hair care as well.
- Infused products: Products are infused with CBD to try to reap the beneficial effects of the cannabinoid.
A Better Night's Sleep Starts Tonight! Order your CBD-Infused Pillow Today
The advent of non-intoxicating CBD-rich products, potent cannabis oil concentrates and innovative, smokeless delivery systems has made the therapeutic landscape transform, and changed the way the public talks about cannabis.
With so many individuals experiencing sleeping problems or disorders, there's been an increase of interest in what was once a very controversial cure — cannabis. Those in the medical cannabis community advocate for cannabis, particularly CBD, as an effective treatment for a range of sleeping problems and disorders, with little to no side effects.
It's claimed that CBD is effective at promoting sleep because it restores your natural sleep cycle, which can often fall out of sync with your day-to-day schedule. But, whether you're having problems falling asleep because of a stressful day, or you're dealing with a sleep disorder, CBD could be your solution. Its alleged anti-anxiety properties can soothe your body and mind when you're stressed out.
But, who wants to sit there, and puff on a joint before bed? With CBD-infused pillows, you don't have to. All you have to do is lie down and rest your head on your pillow and be safely lulled into a relaxing slumber.
A few potential benefits of using a CBD-infused pillow are:
- It may lower anxiety levels
- It may lower stress levels
- It may promote relaxation
- It may improve sleep quality
Nothing can be more annoying and frustrating than having to lie there and stare at the ceiling all night long waiting for sleep that refuses to come. Instead, order your CBD-infused pillow today — hopefully, you'll be sleeping like a baby the same day you receive it.