How is CBD Extracted?

CBD has a multitude of benefits that range from relieving nausea in cancer patients to easing anxiety — it even helps with sleep problems. Our ancestors have trusted this medicine for many years. And, it isn't going anywhere anytime soon. Researchers are continually discovering new ways this amazing cannabinoid can help people.
CBD has been continually increasing in popularity, and is used in various ways. CBD is manufactured and produced in forms of edibles, oils, topical creams, CBD rubs, and now, CBD-infused pillows. But, where does it come from, and how is it extracted?
How Does the CBD Extraction Process Work?
It's important you understand the various CBD extraction methods to ensure you're choosing the right product (and company) that can help you. The CBD extraction starts with a CBD-rich plant source. Most hemp plants are:
- Organically grown
- No herbicides and pesticides
- CBD-rich
There are a number of CBD extraction methods. When you're learning how to extract CBD, it's important to learn the best, healthy, and environmentally safe techniques. Some methods of extraction are more effective and safer than others.
What are the Different CBD Extraction Methods?
Some methods of extracting CBD include:
- Isolate Method
The isolate method is where you're only extracting CBD, meaning no fatty acids, terpenes, or other cannabinoids. Some individuals might prefer this method, because it doesn't contain any level of THC, and in that case, would be a less risky option for those not wanting THC in their system.
- Winterization
This is the process of removing unwanted elements extracted from the plant, for instance, waxes, lipids, and fats. The process is only required when you extract oil at a high temperature or pressure (super critical), because this form of extraction pulls everything from the plant, even any material not wanted in the final product. The oil extracted is actually crude oil that you'll need to refine.
Once extracted, you then combine the mixture with 200-proof alcohol, and stir it vigorously until it's mixed completely. You then place the mixture in a deep freezer, where it sits overnight. The mixture will look cloudy in the morning, and will be ready for filtration.
One method of filtering out fats and other materials is to run the mixture into an extraction jar through a filter paper. A Buchner Funnel is a common type of equipment for this. You perform it using heat. You warm the extraction, and as it warms, the alcohol evaporates, because of the alcohol's boiling point being lower than the oil. You can then reuse the removed alcohol in different batches of crude oil.
- Liquid Solvents
With the liquid solvent method, you place the plant material like trim and flowers into a container. Then the liquid solvent (typically isopropyl alcohol, brutane, ethanol, or hexane) is run through the plant matter, so you strip the flavors and cannabinoids, and transfer them into the liquid. You then evaporate the liquid away from the mixture, leaving only the flavors and concentrated chemicals in an oil form.
There are many benefits of this method, including:
- Equipment-free
- Simple
- Inexpensive to extract
There are downsides, however. For instance, solvents could leave traces of impurities in the CBD oil, but you can minimize this with the right solvent, and with meticulous processing methods. Also, some types of liquid solvents can remove flavors, cannabinoids, and chlorophyll from the plant, giving the finished oil a more bitter taste, and greener color.
But, since you can counter these negative effects by adjusting specifics in the process, it continues to be the most common CBD extraction method.
- Ethanol Extraction
The ethanol extraction method is also common. Basically, you use ethanol as the solvent for extracting CBD from the hemp or cannabis plant. The advantages of this is:
- It's not as power intensive as the CO2 method
- It's fast
- It requires inexpensive equipment
Again, there is a downside, which is the fact that ethanol is highly-flammable, therefore there are certain precautions you must take.
- CO2 Extraction
This carbon dioxide process is the purest and most expensive way to go. You use fluid CO2 as a solvent, instead of chemicals. You find this extraction process often in the food industry to make omega-3 oil, coffee, and other commercial extraction processes.
Those are some of the ways you can extract CBD. All extraction methods suit well for specific situations, including:
- Whether you're an individual or a company
- Desired flavor
- Consistency and strength
- The type of product you're extracting CBD for
These and other factors play a role in the method you choose.
Research shows CBD has has a lot of potential in the medical market. CBD reduces pain, eases anxiety, prevents seizures, and tackles inflammation. CBD use for sleep is also common. There are few, if any, negative side effects, because it's a natural extract.
The extract works with your endocannabinoid system (ECS). Your ECS is your body's way of regulating processes such as appetite, mood, pain, memory, and sleep. Rather than being an unnatural substance, CBD works with your natural system, so your body doesn't try to reject it.
Check Out Our CBD-Infused Pillow
As mentioned earlier, you can use CBD in many forms. One way, particularly if you're trying to put your body in a more relaxed state to get a better night's sleep, is our CBD-infused pillows. These soft and comfortable pillows provide you with the healing properties of CBD, but without having to ingest the cannabinoid. A CBD-infused pillow might be just what you need to reap all the benefits CBD has to offer, and obtain the quality, restorative sleep you deserve.