What's All the Buzz About CBD Oil?

There's a lot of buzz about CBD these days, and chances are good you've heard of it. Even though CBD is "not-so-mysterious-anymore", as more and more individuals start using this natural compound, questions about it are popping up. So, below is a CBD oil FAQ list to help answer 10 of the most common questions people have.
- What Is CBD Oil?
CBD, or cannabidiol, is one of the more popular compounds, or cannabinoids, found in cannabis. CBD oil is extracted from the organic substance formed in the secretions of the plant. Both hemp and marijuana are forms of cannabis.
But, cannabis doesn't mean marijuana. Actually, cannabis is the general umbrella term, and genus name, in which all forms of hemp and marijuana fall. Up until now, Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) was the most studied and well-known cannabinoid because of its abundance in cannabis. But, CBD is gaining momentum in the media and scientific community, since it's the second most prevalent leading non-psychoactive cannabinoid found in hemp and compound in marijuana.
- What's the Difference Between Marijuana and Hemp?
Scientifically, marijuana and industrial hemp are the same plants, with the species and genus name of Cannabis Sativa. They have a dramatically distinct genetic profile, however. While marijuana can be Cannabis indica, Cannabis ruderalis, or Cannabis sativa, industrial hemp is always a Cannabis sativa strain.
Really, industrial hemp:
- Has long strong stalks
- Is very fibrous
- Has barely any flowering buds
Marijuana, on the other hand, has bushier, smaller and full flower buds. But, the newer industrial hemp in the U.S. is now bred to have higher yields of terpenes and cannabinoids, and more flowers.
Most of the time, there's a large THC concentration in marijuana versus CBD. However, hemp naturally has a bigger CBD concentration versus THC. Fortunately, hemp's cannabinoid profile is great for those looking for cannabis's benefits, but without the "high." People use hemp to make:
- Food
- Herbal supplements
- Bricks
- Fiber
- Rope
- Natural plastic
- Oil
- And much more
Marijuana is typically used just medicinally, recreationally, and spiritually. The term cannabis oil can refer to both hemp-derived oil or marijuana, since hemp and marijuana are both two distinct forms of cannabis.
- What's the Difference Between THC and CBD?
THC impacts your brain by binding to the naturally-occuring receptors (CB1) in your central nervous system. CBD binds to your CB2 receptors in body and cell tissues outside your central nervous system.
- Does CBD Oil Get You High?
CBD oil does not get you high. It's THC that makes you high. CBD doesn't have any intoxicating or psychoactive properties like THC. However, various CBD oils do have trace amounts of THC, especially full-spectrum products, but not enough to cause the euphoria or "high." If you're susceptible to random drug testing, for instance through your workplace, you might want to use a CBD oil that's completely devoid of THC.
- What Are CBD Oil's Benefits?
While it's not completely understood what all the risks and benefits of CBD are, what is known is positive. Some benefits of CBD oil are:
- Reduces anxiety
- Helps overcome addiction (nicotine, opiates, alcoholism)
- Treats seizures
- Decreases pain
- Lowers blood pressure
- Aids in gut health
- Decreases depression
- Lowers inflammation
Although it's not completely clear if CBD can benefit a specific condition, like cancer, it could help ease the symptoms of a number of conditions.
CBD also works as a powerful antioxidant, helping with your overall health in various ways.
Take note, you should always refer to your doctor before you take CBD, and never replace any current medicines you're on with CBD, unless our doctor recommends you do so.
- What Does CBD Oil Do?
You'll first need to understand a little something about the endocannabinoid system (ECS) to answer this. Your ECS is a system in your body where the CB1 and CB2 receptors have a huge impact on your well-being and health.
Your CB1 receptors in your brain are linked with:
- Mood
- Emotions
- Coordination
- Appetite
- Pain
- Movement
CB2 receptors are in your immune system, and throughout the tissues of your tonsils and spleen.
The ECS is a fairly new discovery. It was actually found and named after the cannabis plant's cannabinoids. Since cannabinoids are compounds that activate the ECS, it's presumed cannabinoids like CBD and THC can help improve endocannabinoid function.
Although the benefits of CBD oil are still being tested, research does connect CBD oil with a reduction in symptoms of:
- Cancer
- Multiple sclerosis- and neuropathic-related pain
- Epilepsy
- What Form and Dosage of CBD Oil Do I Take?
Before you add CBD oil to your regimen, you'll want to talk with your physician, as you would with any supplement, to ensure it's a good choice for your needs. This is particularly if you're on certain anti-seizure medicines.
There are various ways you can consume CBD oil, including:
- Oil vaping
- Tinctures
- Sublinguals
- Capsules
- Topicals
- Infused
Always follow the package's instructions when taking CBD. Follow the dosage directed by your doctor and/or what's on the label.
- Does CBD Oil Come With Side Effects?
CBD oil is typically considered safe for most individuals, and few experience any side effects. However, according to a 2017 literature review, there could be certain side effects with CBD oil, including:
- Diarrhea
- Fatigue
- Changes to weight
- Changes to appetite
You should know, the studies in this review did use mostly higher CBD oil doses than you normally get over-the-counter.
- Are CBD Products Safe?
For the most part, CBD oil is safe, but it's essential to make sure the company gets CBD oil from plants that don't contain:
- Fertilizers
- Pesticides
- Herbicides
Make sure all CBD oil products are tested through third-part laboratories, and the company you're purchasing from doesn't have any problems sharing their lab results.
- Are Hemp Oil and CBD Oil the Same Thing?
Hemp oil and CBD oil are definitely not the same. You can find standard hemp seed oil right at your grocery store at a cheap price, which is much different than full-spectrum hemp extracts that aren't from seed. Hemp extract is produced as a full-plant extraction with various components not usually found in seeds. With standard hemp seed oil, it's usually produced through the process of cold pressing the seeds. While hemp seed oil is considered a nutritious food source, it doesn't contain the cannabinoid, terpenes, and other naturally occurring components full-plant extracts do.