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A Certification of analysis (COA) is an accredited laboratory document showing the quantity of a variety of cannabinoids in a CBD product. Manufacturers should send all their CBD product batches, like CBD-infused oil, for testing at a lab to prove...
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According to a survey by the National Sleep Foundation, 76% (over three-fourths) of the individuals surveyed say they experience a good night's sleep a minimum of three nights a week. Many individuals claim they sleep on work nights around six...
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If you just purchased a CBD pillow, chances are you did so because of the potential benefits it provides, whether it's CBD for anxiety, cannabidiol and sleep disorders treatment, or another ailment. Now that you have your own CBD-infused pillow,...
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Sleep loss is a common issue in modern society that affects many people at some point in their lives. In fact, estimates show 50 to 70 million individuals in the U.S. chronically struggle from a condition of sleep and wakefulness,...
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CBD is just one of 120 compounds known as cannabinoids that are found in cannabis. Similar to THC, CBD provides a number of health benefits, but it doesn’t induce a high. Because of this, individuals are purchasing CBD products to...
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