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CBD is legal in all 50 states for human use, provided it is derived from hemp, and contains less than 0.3 percent THC. Individuals can purchase various CBD products on their own to use for themselves or for their pets,...
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Inflammation is part of the defense mechanism of your body, and it plays a role in the process of healing. Inflammation is a natural occurrence of your body's natural protective response when it thinks it's being harmed. But, it can...
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Being mindful is about slowing down and taking time to retune the most basic functions of your body. By taking a couple minutes to focus on just your breathing, you can drastically impact your stress levels, leaving yourself with a...
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If you've ever attempted to meditate on a daily basis, you know how challenging that can be. Many people who set this goal, end up procrastinating, telling themselves they have more important things to do, or they simply forget to...
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Many people are increasingly using cannabidiol (CBD) to relieve pain. By gaining an understanding of CBD, it can help underscore its benefits. CBD Basics First, CBD is only one of the many compounds (over 100) found in cannabis. These compounds are...
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